BioEM2014 will offer travel support to students. This support is intended to partially offset participation costs to attend BioEM2014. To be eligible for travel support, the student must be a first author, present their paper at the meeting and be a member of either BEMS or EBEA. The grant money for student travel will be divided among the applicants based on the number of applications received and the total grant budget.
Requests for travel support will be accepted until March 21, 2020. The LOC will send out notifications via email approving travel support and announcing the funds budgeted.
To apply for Student Travel Support, fill out this application form and email it to
To apply for BEMS membership, contact us.
To apply for EBEA membership, contact us.
NOTE: Students must be a (student) member of EITHER BEMS or EBEA. Please choose the society of your preference. You may, of course, apply to both societies, but membership in only ONE society is required to apply for student travel support for BioEM2014.
For assistance contact one of our committee members:
Marnus van Wyk
Richard Nuccitelli
Theodoros Samaras
Andrew Wood
Niels Kuster
Suné van Rooyen, ConsultUS (Pty) Ltd
Dawne Johnson, ConsulUS (Pty) Ltd
Theodoros Samaras, Co-Chair (EBEA)
Phil Chadwick, Co-Chair (BEMS)
For further information, please contact: ConsultUS (Pty) Ltd, BioEM 2014 Conference, P O Box 19063, Tygerberg, 7505 c/o: Akron Foundation Basement Service.